Build talk tomorrow: Modern C++ — What you need to know

If you’re at Build in San Francisco tomorrow afternoon, I invite you to swing by and spend an hour with us in session 2-661:

Modern C++: What you need to know

by Herb Sutter

Build 2014, Room 2005
2:30-3:30 pm, Thursday April 3, 2014

If you’re new to C++, this talk is aimed directly at you. I was asked to give a “foundational talk” about C++, and I decided that meant I should focus on addressing two questions that I get a lot these days:

  • FAQ #1 (1-2 slides): When should I use C++ compared to another language – on all platforms in general, and on Microsoft platforms in particular?
  • FAQ #2 (lots of slides): What should I know about C++ if I’m a {Java|C#|JavaScript|Python|…} developer?

Even if you’re a seasoned C++ developer, there are some nuggets and data points in the middle of the talk that I think you will find useful in your own work, and I hope that the talk as a whole will be helpful to you in providing a way to explain C++’s value proposition and give (or link to) an answer when someone asks you FAQ #2.

I think it will be recorded, and will post a link here when the recording is available.

I look forward to seeing many of you there tomorrow afternoon.

5 thoughts on “Build talk tomorrow: Modern C++ — What you need to know

  1. Since I left for home, back to Los Angeles after the super c++ lecture series was finished, I wont be around to attend the Build talk. However, I am looking forward to catching the taped screening once it becomes available.

    cool stuff.

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