A Concurrency Poll

I’ve opened up a short concurrency poll to get a sense of what concurrency issues are top-of-mind for programmers, and I’d appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to participate. Some questions are about what you want to learn more about, others about your tools of choice in specific areas, and a few are slightly whimsical. I plan to use the results as input to topics to cover in future Effective Concurrency articles and talks, so by participating you’ll help influence the direction of future EC topics.

There are about 28 questions, each asking for just a word or a phrase in answer. Here again is the link: http://www.surveygizmo.com/s/193214/apw36

Thank you in advance for taking a few minutes to participate. If you’re interested in receiving a summary of the survey results, please leave your email address at the end of the survey and I’ll send you a copy (your email will not be used for any other purpose).

7 thoughts on “A Concurrency Poll

  1. Hey Herb, I have gone through the survey and would love to see your answers :)

  2. I’m not qualified to answer your survey (it’s mostly over my head) but I’d like to read the results anyway, mainly to help me choose a popular, good-at-concurrency programming language to learn some day. Please add my email to your list.

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